

Our mission is to facilitate a better understanding of our natural world, raise awareness about the wonders and importance of nature, and produce professionals working on its conservation in biodiversity-rich areas, through the creation of open, cheap and easy to use tools for biodiversity investigation across the tropics.



Making an impact toward the filling of the technological gap between resource rich and biodiversity rich countries in order to better understand, value and protect the natural world.


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Michele Menegon

Michele is a passionate researcher who conducted dozens of missions dedicated to biological exploration in the forests of the Eastern Afromontane that led to the discovery of more than 60 new species among amphibians and reptiles.

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Massimo Delledonne

Massimo is a leader in the development and use of the tools that the new genomic technologies are offering to microbial, plant, animal and human biologists.

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Ana Rodriguez Prieto

Ana is an all round scientist principally involved in morphological and phylogenetic analyses of various species of Amphibians and Reptiles from East Africa. She is currently a researcher in the Department of Tropical Biodiversity at MUSE - Science Museum of Trento (IT).

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Simon P. Loader

Simon is an evolutionary biologist fascinated by biodiversity and the processes that govern its distribution.

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Sabina Barcucci

Sabina is a charismatic design architect who manages the fablab at MUSE, Science Museum of Trento (IT) and she is involved in DIY technologies.


Former members

Chiara Cantaloni

Elena Garollo

Massimo Bernardi

Nicholas Barbieri

Cesare Centomo