
Hi everyone!

Finally Expedition Lab has a dedicated website where you can find information about our projects, get some DIY tips, stay in contact with us and log onto a brand new database that we’re developing to allow free access to our east African herpetofauna collection. Expedition Lab is an exciting container that gathers together people, research, travelling and much more. The first project realized in this context is called GENE. GENE is about studying biodiversity in the Earth’s hotspots bringing directly on site all the lab equipment needed, conveniently compacted in a comfy hand luggage. With GENE it is possible to carry out genetic analysis on whichever organism, from DNA extraction to DNA sequencing, without needing to rely on big expensive facilities. For the first time we tested GENE in Tanzania a few months ago, where we successfully sequenced a frog caught in the forest! If you are curious, find out more in the website or follow us on facebook and youtube!